Shruti Mishra

I earned a PhD in Applied Mathematics from Harvard University, where I worked on problems in continuum mechanics, computation and machine learning. I have spent some time learning and doing research at DeepMind, on reinforcement learning in continuous control environments, and at Mila, on the use of deep learning to forecast natural convection.


Computing the viscous effect in early-time drop impact dynamics
S. Mishra, S.M. Rubinstein, C.H. Rycroft
Journal of Fluid Mechanics (2022) [article] [code] [slides]

On Multi-objective Policy Optimization as a Tool for Reinforcement Learning
A. Abdolmaleki, S.H. Huang, G. Vezzani, B. Shahriari, J.T. Springenberg, S. Mishra, D. Tirumala, A. Byravan, K. Bousmalis, A. György, C. Szepesvari, R. Hadsell, N. Heess, M. Riedmiller (2021) [article]

Coordinated crawling via reinforcement learning
S. Mishra, W.M. van Rees, L. Mahadevan
Journal of the Royal Society Interface (2020) [article] [slides]

Augmenting learning using symmetry in a biologically-inspired domain
S. Mishra, A. Abdolmaleki, A. Guez, P. Trochim, D. Precup
Neural Information Processing Systems, NewInML Workshop (2019) [article] [slides]

Machine learning in a data-limited regime: Augmenting experiments with synthetic data uncovers order in crumpled sheets
J. Hoffmann, Y. Bar-Sinai, L.M. Lee, J. Andrejevic, S. Mishra, S.M. Rubinstein, C.H. Rycroft
Science Advances (2019) [article]

Thermal design of the FETS chopper beam dump
S. Mishra, M. Aslaninejad, P. Savage, P.A. Posocco, J.K. Pozimski, A.P. Letchford
Proceedings of the Particle Accelerator Conference (2013) [article]


PhD, Applied Mathematics, Harvard University (2021)
SM, Applied Mathematics, Harvard University (2017)
MEng, Mechanical Engineering, Imperial College London (2014)